January 28, 1986 was a day in American History, that I WILL NEVER FORGET!! I recall very vividly, of walking into the Jordan High School Library, in Sandy Utah.
I was in the 10th grade, and the 9th graders were to join us soon, to watch the launch of the CHALLENGER SPACE SHUTTLE!! I handed in my assignment early; so Mr. Zabriskie excused me before any of my classmates. I was one of the first to go to the Library. I remember that the large, box television sitting on the cart; already “tuned in” to the news channel, awaiting the countdown.

Do you remember those “taller than me,” awkward, four metal shelved and rubber lined carts that the classrooms could borrow from the School Library?
Oh, yes! I do!! Especially when I was assigned to pick it up and roll it down the steep ramp. At least when I was younger these carts frightened me. If I didn’t hold on tight and watch were I was going; I would most definitely get ran over!! 🤣

There was A LOT OF EXCITEMENT as we Students gathered to watch the the News Station. 📺 I couldn’t wait! THIS EXPERIENCE WAS SO AWESOME! Especially, knowing that a school teacher was going to be taking part in such an AMAZING ADVENTURE!

The COUNTDOWN began! 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!!  All of us were silently expressing excitement, because we didn’t want to miss anything! We ALL could NOT WAIT!! Then, just a few minutes in, as the rocket was heading upwards in the sky. Suddenly the sound of one ENORMOUS, ERUPTING, EXCRUCIATING, EXPLOSION!! Oh my goodness, this was the MOST HORRIBLE SIGHT ever!! Especially in the eyes of a Sophomore and Freshman Class!!

Happiness, laughter and excitement, without hesitation, turned into POIGNANT WAILING!! The kind of emotion that NEVER should be felt!! The rest of the day, the hallways seemed to echo this horrific event!!! I WILL NEVER FORGET the sounds of such MELANCHOLY!!!

To the SEVEN Astronauts, who lost their lives that day!! You ALL are my heroes and will never be forgotten. Space Science IS FAR MORE SUPERIOR because of your  unselfish SACRIFICE!!!



Photographs are capable of “capturingTHOUSANDS of recollections!! To me, it feels like this picture wants to tell me more! Yet, my memories from this photograph take place, when I am older. Keep reading! I think as this short story unfolds, my readers will grasp the “WHOLE PICTURE!” Wink, wink! 😉

This is my Aunt Lena! The little girl, of course, is me; at the tender age of 3. Mom shared with me, that I called her my Grandma Lena! In the early 1970’s, Mom was a licensed Cosmetologist. My mother would bring her to our home, to have her hair done. Then, of course, she and I would play in my room!

To my knowledge, this is the only photograph I have of her and I. Yet, our bond extends beyond this particular, captured moment! Mom also relayed to me, that Aunt Lena potty trained me. She fixed my lunches, and then would put me down for nap time. If I think about it for a little bit, I can visualize her helping me in the bathroom, and sitting at the kitchen table. I also recall her singing to me, before falling asleep in the afternoon. These are happy memories for me! I am thankful!

In 1986, I turned 16. My first job was at Lenore’s Nursing Home in Draper, Utah. I was trained as a Nurse’s Aide and I worked the 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. shift. One day, the RN introduced me to a new client. A lady that I would be responsible, in caring for!

Guess who?!? Yes! Aunt Lena!! I certainly was surprised! To admit, I was also a little nervous, because it NOW was my responsibility to give direct care to her, when it had been such a long time since I last saw her. Aunt Lena also had changed a lot! Physically and mentally.

Aunt Lena’s memory had deteriorated, from Alzheimer’s. She had no idea who I was. To me, it was a miracle that I now had the same opportunity to return ALL the WONDERFUL LOVE she gave to me, as a little girl!

Her room was small, with only one possession. This was because of the safety measures in place. It was a framed photograph of Lena and her siblings. There were many times, that she would “hold” the picture in her hands. I would point out, each brother and sister. She sometimes seemed as if to recognize; with a smile. One of her brothers, was my grandfather; John Amos Fenstermaker. My Dad’s Dad! This photo too, was comforting to me, in that these memories kept us connected!

I also learned much compassion while taking care of her, because some days, where VERY challenging!! Sometimes, she wouldn’t eat; while throwing her food at me, or spitting it out! Other days, she would become really aggressive, while biting me; because it was time for a bath. I was also responsible for making sure she exercised. I remember thinking to myself, “today is a good day to walk with her up and down the hall!” Then, without ANY warning Aunt Lena decided to sit down, in the hallway! As a Nurse’s Aide, I was trained to protect the client from falling. So, she literally SAT on top of me! Yes!! This certainly was one experience I will never forget, because Aunt Lena was not petite, as she was when I was little!

Oh, how I cherish this precious photograph! Although this disease changed Aunt Lena, there is NO regret! Not one!! Yes, Aunt Lena’s mind faded. NOW my turn had come, to care for her!! I feel that I am a stronger woman because of this experience! LOVE is a such a STRONG bond, no matter the frailties of the human mind!


The last few months have been some of the hardest lessons to learn fronlm!! While actually thinking about it, as I type this; life in itself has been VERY CHALLENGING, and literally EXHAUSTING!! Since my Dad passed away last June, nothing has been the same, or even compared to a “normal,” or “functional” AT ALL!! I wish, even though he is at peace, and is keeping busy, having him here to talk to; would really help me. If perhaps, I could talk to my Dad, just for a few minutes; I think that I could cope with all the ups and downs in life. He was and still IS my BEST FRIEND!! It is really, really hard to talk to my Mom. When I call her, she comments “I am busy, I’ll call you later,” then she doesn’t. It HURTS that she never has the time for me! I feel SO SAD! I don’t doubt that I am the only one who feels this way?!? The PAIN that creeps in DEEPLY, after the death of a parent, or when mom or dad seem too busy to talk, or have time for you. Right?!? To whomever reads this will know who you are!! Just remember, that you are NEVER ALONE!! REMEMBER too, that it IS OKAY to CRY!! I DO, and it actually helps me feel lighter, as if my soul feels relief!!

In LOVING MEMORY of John Ivan Fenstermaker (1945-2024)

My Angelic Daddy!

Continue reading “LEARNING WITHOUT DAD!!”


I HAVE DONE SOMETHING MARVELOUS!! November 7, 2024, was FINALLY the day, that I decided to let FAITH take my entire BEING of what had consumed me for more than four years. This amount of time would have been ample, to have published my stories about who Cheri is! GOODNESS!! FEAR is a real feeling!! Fear IS ABSOULUTELY consuming and ever so paralyzing! So, NOW I have decided to put the thought of fear behind me and get going!! I bid “FEAR” an unforgettable farewell!! I NOW choose to let FAITH in myself, and my abilities take control!!!


When life brings us difficult challenges, facing them “head on,” with strength and courage is essential! However, we oftentimes seem to expect the results to be seen with the human eye. Look inside your soul, instead! You will find it!


Oh, boy!! I wish I could rewrite the past! Wait a minute!?! If I rewrote the past, then that would mean I would have to erase some of me! So, I choose to keep the definition of who I am, and how much I have learned! It is now the time, to write another chapter!!


Let not your soul be troubled! For faith fulfills! Healing deep, penetrating wounds!
