The last few months have been some of the hardest lessons to learn fronlm!! While actually thinking about it, as I type this; life in itself has been VERY CHALLENGING, and literally EXHAUSTING!! Since my Dad passed away last June, nothing has been the same, or even compared to a “normal,” or “functional” AT ALL!! I wish, even though he is at peace, and is keeping busy, having him here to talk to; would really help me. If perhaps, I could talk to my Dad, just for a few minutes; I think that I could cope with all the ups and downs in life. He was and still IS my BEST FRIEND!! It is really, really hard to talk to my Mom. When I call her, she comments “I am busy, I’ll call you later,” then she doesn’t. It HURTS that she never has the time for me! I feel SO SAD! I don’t doubt that I am the only one who feels this way?!? The PAIN that creeps in DEEPLY, after the death of a parent, or when mom or dad seem too busy to talk, or have time for you. Right?!? To whomever reads this will know who you are!! Just remember, that you are NEVER ALONE!! REMEMBER too, that it IS OKAY to CRY!! I DO, and it actually helps me feel lighter, as if my soul feels relief!!

In LOVING MEMORY of John Ivan Fenstermaker (1945-2024)

My Angelic Daddy!